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There is a world where two wrongs make it right. Where you can get by on your looks. Where social-Darwinism evolves. This hotbed of sociopathic behavior is called high school.

It is as easy as it is disturbing to imagine how today’s world leaders would roll and rule in high school. For better and worse, the atmosphere both nurtures and stunts the maturation process, including critical thinking and social skills, as well as emotional stability, empathy and ego.

For example, longitudinal studies show that schoolyard bullies, whose adolescent aggression goes unchecked, are far more likely to develop anti-social, abusive and criminal behaviors as adults.

Otherwise, watch what happens in “Stunted,” a proposed limited-series TV dramedy:



Drama rules at International High as it incubates and stunts the growth of the next generation of world leaders, sociopaths and stereotypes. In this “Beverly Hills 90210” meets “Game of Thrones” atmosphere we witness our destiny as the most honorable, narcissistic and persuasive among us take center stage.


International High School is a cultural polyglot of conflicting personalities vying for attention, affirmation and power. Each student possesses leadership skills, competitive nature and varying degrees of self-entitlement. While Donnie and Vlad wield the most power, their narcissism and transparent insecurities make them susceptible to manipulation by the more clever and mature Angela and Christine.


Donnie — conceited pretty boy with life of privilege; proud chauvinist and rumored rapist (a rumor he started); pathological liar; clearly overcompensating for something

Vlad — star athlete (although called “roid king,” behind his back); leader of “rough boys” gang; chief rival of Donnie (who he beat the crap out of in grade school); suspected of serial cheating; flirty, but creeps out most girls

Angela (Merkel) — top student, exudes confidence, popular among girls, intimidates boys

Christine (Lagarde) — comes from privilege and it shows; stylish, trend-setter; student body treasurer; leader among popular girls and, like best friend Angela, intimidates boys, including Donnie and Vlad who compete for her attention

(Xi) Jinping — naturally gifted student; drab and introverted, but self-confident; dislikes cliquish nature of high school; head of chemistry club

(Kim) Jong-un — chubby and very odd; jealous of everyone and everything; huge chip on his shoulder; rumored to be “packing heat”; reveres Jinping (who dared him to break into the chemistry lab)

Bashar (al-Assad) — Vlad’s wingman; slightly unhinged, volatile; word is, “Give this dude a wide berth.”

Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu) — brash, scrappy; hates Donnie, but hates Vlad worse; even friends warn, “Cannot be trusted”

Justin (Trudeau) and Emmanuel (Macron) — handsome and smug underclassmen; popular with the ladies, thus threats to Donnie and Vlad’s status (Emmanuel once caught Vlad harassing his girlfriend and politely asked, “Please don’t”)

Theresa (May) — bit of a loner, socially awkward; third wheel with team Angela and Christine

Enrique (Peña Nieto) — hard-working student; handsome Latin who effortlessly attracts girls; despises Trump, who can’t understand why but feel mutual

Oprah (Winfrey) and Jorge (Mario Bergoglio) — an inseparable platonic couple, student body president and vice president, and homecoming queen and king; voted “Most Likely to Preside” and “Most Humble,” respectively; Oprah heads drama club, cheer squad, book club, yearbook, school newspaper, etc. Jorge leads prayer circles

Barack (voice-over narrator) — This experienced graduate alternately agonizes and laughs with us at the high-school shenanigans.


We reap what we sow. For all ages, in all circumstances, it is important to reward good behavior and to no longer dismiss and thus enable bad behavior.

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