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BIG AIR & Eight Smaller Fictions

By Stuart Greenbaum

Big Air: Olivia talks too much. Mordecai thinks too hard. When these obsessive behaviors derail the young couple’s destiny, it takes their personal crises, on top of the existential threat to the planet’s breathable air, to bring them back together.

& Eight Smaller Fictions: Explore the best and worst of human nature — from curiosity and humility to ignorance and arrogance. Each of the anthology’s eight smaller stories challenges our shortcomings and encourages us to do better.

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Big Air is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. In fact, each of the nine short stories obliges you to inhabit a wholly original fictional world — be it for pure pleasure or as a reality check or both.

Jack Isler, physician, author, healthcare activist

Big Air had me constantly alternating: “I know that person” – “I am that person” – “We are those people” …

Sally Michael, Assisted Living Executive

While many of the stories have a sci-fi or futuristic tinge, the collection actually ends in a 1951 New York setting. I defy anyone to withhold grins and outright chuckles as a public relations mastermind counsels Jesus on the worthiness of the messiah’s official Earthly return over lunch at the famous Katz’s Deli.

James M. Berklan, Executive Editor, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News, and 2024 Neal Awards winner

Stuart Greenbaum takes advantage of insights into human behavior he has acquired through four decades of directing hundreds of national and California-based public relations initiatives. His campaigns have contributed to improving attitudes and actions toward a wide range of important social concerns; and have earned critical acclaim, including two Emmys and the National Public Trust Award from LeadingAge. His books include Educated Public Relations, Set Straight on Bullies, Before the Age Boom Goes …, Longevity Rules, and most recently Humble Sky. His essays are published regularly at Greenbaum lives in Sacramento, California.


Genre: Fiction
Length: 160 pages plus cover
Format: 6 x 9 inches
Publication: September 2024


Contact the author — — for interview requests, media reviews (including access to cover artwork and author photo), academic preview copies, and bulk quantity orders.