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By November 4, 2014Random/Rants

Take it or leave it, here are two bits of advice that come by way of 35 years as a public relations counselor and business owner.

  1. Do not offer professional counsel for free. Because, this diminishes its value and consequently it is rarely acted upon. This cautionary note was given to me by Edward L. Bernays, the founding father of the public relations profession, when I launched Greenbaum Public Relations in 1991.
  1. “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” This anonymous quote caught my attention as a poster in the office of a very successful advertising executive. It absolutely rings true with creative production work and, for that matter, most all professional services, commerce and merchandise.

Both Bernays’ note and the anonymous quote made sense at first and over many years have been validated countless times. You get what you pay for.

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