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By May 29, 2018Humility, Philosophy

We’re fortunate to count a handful of people in our lives who we consider professional mentors. For me, four remarkable individuals helped shape my career and became enduring friends along the way. It is a privilege to refer readers to their knowledge and to share these defining examples of their guidance.

George “Nick” Nicholson, retired Associate Justice, California Court of Appeal, and former boss, taught me to smile in the face of adversity and adversaries, which renders them irrelevant.

Edward L. Bernays, founder of the public relations profession, taught me the value of “independent validation,” to use impartial authority to prove a cause or campaign genuinely represents the public interest.

Ansel Adams, America’s most famous nature photographer, taught me that “A true photograph need not be explained, nor can be contained in words.”

Robert N. Butler, M.D., Pulitzer winning author and researcher on longevity, taught me to age with purpose.

Thanks to these mentors, I have learned to value confidence, humility, vision and purpose. Find your inspiration — then show your gratitude by sharing what you’ve learned.


  • Gary says:

    Four great men. You are lucky to have known them.

  • Never got to follow up on learning about your interactions with Robert Butler…Hope we get the chance to talk about that…I have witnessed your smile in the face of adversity and how well that works!

  • ed Witts says:

    LIKE !

  • Lucy fisher says:

    And I want to hear more about Bernays. A professor of medical sociology, Adele Clark, introduced his work to us. I learned from Adele to challenge unconditional acceptance of “knowledge.” I also nominate yoga teacher Harvey Deutch for ending his classes with thought to spread kindness, generosity, altruisim and seava – doing good works without needing-or expecting recognition.

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