What could presumably distinguish another year-end list of best new music? For starters, how about showing appreciation and affirmation for the rigors of quality musicianship, authenticity, originality and songwriting. While the most talented independent and alternative artists recognized here may…
Who knows why seemingly insignificant (at least in the moment) sensory experiences become associative triggers for the rest of our life? Why does a specific smell, sound, vision, taste or emotion immediately take us back to another place and time?…
Discover new music. How’s that for a simple sounding new year’s resolution? And to prove that contemporary music is alive and well, here are 10 brilliant songs and albums to sample, produced this past year. “Die Waiting” by Beck from…
What does today’s music have in common with all the best of previous generations? Plenty, if you give it a listen. You’ll experience equal or better musicianship, songwriting and creativity. For example, here is my A-Z list of favorite artists…
Another music list … This time it’s songs with water themes, of which there are a bunch. Something to whet everyone’s appetite: from seas to oceans, sloops, bridges, docks of bays, boardwalks and waterfronts: “Take Me to the River” by…
This list gets updated almost daily, but as of December 29, 2015, here is an A-Z list of my all-time favorite musical artists. Ryan Adams, Arctic Monkeys, Joseph Arthur The Beatles, Beck, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Blood, Sweat & Tears,…
Imagine a “Deliverance” era Burt Reynolds, bobbing and weaving about like a caged speed-skater, singing with a style reminiscent of the iconic Fine Young Cannibals. Frontman Sam Herring and Future Islands explode on stage with a uniqueness that this sensory…
Humble Sky takes issue with our incomprehension of farthest outer space — literally and metaphorically to advance the virtues of curiosity and humility. More down to Earth, the weekly essays intend to provoke thought on subject matters ranging from culture and politics, to longevity and philosophy, to film & TV, music and sports.
Lead writer Stuart Greenbaum is a veteran public relations counselor, and editor or author of more than a dozen journals and books, including Longevity Rules, Set Straight on Bullies and Educated Public Relations.