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By December 15, 2015March 6th, 2021Culture, Random/Rants

Since the turn of the century, we’ve botched the date. Fortunately we’ve got yet another annual opportunity to correct this awkward situation. Let’s make this year’s New Year’s resolution precedent setting, even historic. And simple, too: Let’s all agree to call it “twenty-sixteen” instead of “two thousand sixteen.” Not a big deal, when you think about. The problem is, most people don’t.

As a reminder, just think back 16 years ago when we pronounced the year “nineteen ninety nine” and before that “nineteen ninety eight” and so on. Not “nineteen hundred ninety nine” or “one thousand nine hundred ninety nine.” (Say these versions out loud and you’ll hear how ridiculous they sound.)

Sure, the past decades of aughts kind of messed things up. But they’re behind us now. Moving forward, let’s commit to the easier, shorter and faster way. It’s less formal too, which is the American way.


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